

1. Through my own efforts, be permanently living in Japan by 2014 -チェック
2. Teach English in Japan -チェック
3. Go caving again
4. Continue doing Aikido
5. Keep saving money
6. Become more healthy
7. Go to an Arashi concert
8. Be in a healthy relationship with someone who I can consider my best friend where the relationship works, is right, and where we can trust and support each other without thinking about it

Watashi no Baketto Risuto....

1. Support my mom so that she never has to work
2. Go on a cruise
3. Go sky-diving
4. Travel to every major island in Japan
5. Go bungee jumping
6. Go snowboarding
7. Go snorkeling
8. Help a nation recover from a disaster
9. Learn archery
10. Learn to use a katana
11. Visit Guyana, Scotland, Ireland, Egypt, Brazil, Greece, Spain, South Africa, Russia, Scandanavia
12. Learn to play drums, guitar,and piano
13. Go white-water rafting
14. Watch an animal being born
15. Meet Arashi, Chris Rock, Ichihara Hayato, Ayane Haruka, Yamada Takayuki.
16. Visit every continent
17. Go dog-sledding in Antarctica
18. Go to a World Cup Game
19. Spend the night in a haunted house
20. Go on a road trip through all 50 states
21. See the Aurora Borealis in Alaska or Finland
22. Mardi Gras in New Orleans
23. Be found by my best friend and marry him
24. Live in a Japanese architectured house
25. Live in a 2-3 story house
26. Continuously be a support for people who need it
27. Read the Bible fully
28. Help and make a difference in under-developed countries
29. Make Japan my permanent residence
30. Visit the hometowns of famous historical figures in Japan
31. Become a comedian
32. Eat in an underwater restaurant
33. Stay in an ice hotel
34. Climb Mount Fuji
35. Drink grain alcohol, absinthe
36. Find the perfect job that makes me happy
37. Using a telescope, try to find and recognize the stars constellations, and planets
that I see
38. Survive a zombie apocalypse
39. Speak native Japanese
40. Own two dogs and one cat
41. Never divorce
42. Finally be able to give my letter to the person who was special to me
43. Work in a Japanese company
44. Visit Aomori, Hokkaido, and Okinawa, Japan
45. Go to an Arashi concert.
46. Go to a live filming of a Japanese TV show.
47 Make a life for myself that I'm proud of and create an active, educated, happy, supportive, protective, loving family that can survive through anything and support each other's goals and dreams