
Mirai e....

It seems that many good things have been happening to me recently. I don't mean to refer to it in a boastful way, but in a way that shows that even someone like me can find happiness. When I think about it, I'm so grateful for the life that was given to me. I'm not rich, I don't live in some fancy $20 million home, and I have faced many, many hardships and difficulties throughout my life that no one should have to live through, but I still came out a successful person. Every experience I had however despairing, cruel, and unfair it may have been, was in preparation for living the life I wanted to live, even if I didn't realize it at the time. Though I may have fought against my fate every step of the way, it still brought me where I needed to be. I'm stronger everyday because of it and I have learned from my short life about the nature of people, the kinds of people I want in my life, and the kinds of people who aren't worth even a second of my time. While people quarrel and squabble for the scraps of something they believe is of worth, I may also think it is something worth my attention, but in the end I realize its nature and see that it is only a shadow of what I thought it was. People are only worth the kinds of scraps they are willing to pick up. I see the world as bigger than myself and people who come to this realization also, can always change the world, little by little. It was with this knowledge that I was able to come out on top.

I will gladly and graciously take this precious knowledge with me to Japan. Many people are so afraid to say this because they think people will look down on them or think of them as weak or stupid, but I will say it with pride. I'm still very immature, there are many things that I still don't know, and there are times that I'm sure I will fail, but what will keep me going is the determination in my heart to be good and true to myself and I will never let anyone take that from me!




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